As a clinician, the benefits of lip and cheek retraction in dentistry are obvious and no one solution fits all needs.

VisionButler provides a viable new improved option that gives an effective and efficient solution to the well used single-use disposable retractor. 

The idea was born from developing a photocontrastor for photography and  developed to a lip and cheek retractor that could be sterilised and re-used, reducing the cost to the clinician and the environment.


The Function of a Dental Photocontrastor 

A dental Photoconstrastor is traditionally considered as a lingual plate to “isolate” the teeth from the tissues behind with a uniform colour ( usually a black finish ).

This “masking” of the teeth, allows for a consistent comparison from one photograph to another. eg without the background of the tongue present or not.

The VisionButler provides: 

Comfortable retraction of the lips with the mouth open of closed.

A black satin finish to  Isolate the labial tissues ( lip and cheek ) and leave a clear view of the teeth gingival tissues and buccal corridor

•      The VisionButler is a  new  pliable, comfortable, reusable, autoclavable, soft  satin black silicon, retentive lip and cheek retractor. 

•      The buccal “wings” hold the cheeks away from the teeth and the labial flanges physically hold the lips away from the teeth  and prevent the retractor slipping even when the patient closes.


Did you know if you use 10 single use retractors 20 days a month, 12 months a year @ 1.50 Euro each time, adds upto  3,600 Euro a year. 

Tested to over 1,000 cycles  a single VisionButler (98.00 euro) is equivalent to 12 boxes of 80 single use retractors )

Available now is MedSmall and Large



Made with a black, satin, smooth surface to reduce the flare and glare of flash photography, the soft silicon will hold the lips and cheeks away from the teeth and gums . The oval retraction of the labial tissues can be adjusted simply with manual tension and the gentle engagement of the fitting surface intra-orally allows the patient to close their mouth without the VisionButler being dislodged.

Easy Placement

Select the best size. Rest the VisionButler over the lips and ask the patient to smile. This will help you choose MedS or Large size. 

Fold the buccal flanges in and insert the VisionButler into the patients mouth with the inner lip flanges behind the top or bottom teeth - then gently flick these over the teeth.

Every patient is different and sometimes it will work better the upturn the VisionButler ( top to bottom) . The variation in inner lip flange will engage the frame differently.

Hygienist: VisionButler will allow the hygienist to work with the patient’s lips comfortably retracted and allowing easy access for the suction system of choice, and allowing the controlling the spray from ultrasonics, even working single handed. 

Whitening.: In office procedures require the protection of the lips and labial  soft tissues for the duration of the procedure.  VisionButler will hold  the mouth open and keep the lips away during the procedure. 

Digital Imaging.:All digital imaging is simply made easier if soft tissues of the lips and cheeks are kept out the field of view. Use the largest size if possible 

Restorative Dentistry: 

  • Preparation and cementation of composites, porcelain crowns / veneers requires control of the soft tissues of the lips and the cheeks. It is like having a spare set of hands.
  • Easy to place and no hard rims to pressure vulnerable soft tissue structures such as the frenum.
  • Holds in place even when the patient swallows inadvertently.
  • Excellent where moisture control from the soft tissues is required. 

Dental Implants. Use the VisionButler for visualisation of the stages of restoration with dental implants. 

Shade taking: Hands free retraction makes the process simple for photography and lighting

Orthodontics: Imaging or bonding direct or indirect 

Lip and cheek retraction allow for improved access and efficiency during direct bracket bonding for orthodontia.

Autoclavable for repeated use, saving clinical waste and reducing carbon footprint of single use options.


The VisionButler can be placed in ultrasonic both, washer-disinfector  and pouched as required for autoclave in a standard self-seal pouch or a 3D Deep Pouch ( supplied by ) 

Ecofriendly: and Cost Efficient.  The VisionButler saves cost, saves time, saves clinical waste and associated costs  of postage and storage space to the practice with a reduced carbon footprint.

Image Gallery

“You don’t need eyes to see, you need Vision.”


There are no solutions that will suit all patients of all sizes with all the variations of freni and sulcus anatomy.  

The VisionButler provides a reusable, effective and efficient option to increase comfort and reduce costs significantly.


VisionButler with dental implants.


UR2 UL1 Aesthetic Restoration. With intraoral stain and glaze to finalise